June 16, 2011


I am in no way shape or form a fan of the Oakland A's, but this looks like it will be an unreal baseball movie and there hasn't been one of those in a long time

June 3, 2011

We're Sorry

On behalf of The LOCA, I apologize for the infrequency of posts recently. As you all know I am now 1 year removed from the dream and living in the real world. I have to work, get over it. Making money is more important than entertaining you, sorry to say it but it's true. I'm not that scrub El Pres who has nothing better to do than sit around, think of witty things to say, and hire 18 year old college interns like a dirty old man. I have a real job and make more money than him anyways, and I'm only 23.

That being said, it brings me great pleasure and sadness to announce that our very own Hamilton "the babe" Porter got himself a job. The man is in the real world. This was his first week of work, so I'm going to excuse his absence. Lord knows I was tired after having to wake up early every day and actually have to do something with my life. I know he'll be checking back in as much as possible, so keep checking back for more. Or don't. Either way

Artie's Take on Entourage

I am a huge Entourage fan. Yeah I know, season 5 wasn't that great, in fact it kinda sucked. Well guess what? That season was thrown together because they missed an entire year with that foolish writers' strike. People were banging HBO's door down for another season and fast, so what do you expect? You get what you paid for. But regardless of how sub-par season 5 was, I still was fired up for Season 6 and even more for Season 7. Maybe the bandwagoners have fallen off, back when it was "cool" to watch entourage or at least cool enough to sneak down to your basement and hope your mom doesn't hear the moans from all the sex Vince has; but the show is still hilarious for the simple fact that it has Ari and Drama (the character not the plot). Those two are the glue that keeps this show together. Rarely do you hear someone say that Vince is their favorite character or even worse E; but Ari, Drama, and occasionally Turtle provide comedy to a show that makes men jealous of "the life". So while you may publicly say that Entourage sucks and you'd rather watch True Blood or some other stupid terrible vampire show, I know and You know that you'll be glued to the TV come 10:30pm Sunday July 24th for the final season. End of an era. But seriously though, don't let your mom hear it.