April 13, 2011

Wiffle Ball, Where Did You Go?

One of my best childhood memories is playing wiffle ball.  Our games ranged from 1 on 1 home run derby to a game of 3 on 3.  Not to brag but my driveway was always used as the field because of it's perfect dimensions and great backstop (garage door).  It was close enough to the end of a dead end road to not have to worry about traffic.  Many people use the chair technique but if the pitcher doesn't hit the chair you have to chase it.  We made up our own rules and only needed to be amended a couple times.

We played with the traditional yellow bat but it was nothing close to traditional.  Many rolls of athletic tape were used for the perfect weight distribution allowing balls to fly off the bat without making the barrel too big.

We also didn't use the white plastic wiffle ball.  They were too easy to break and when taped they didn't move as much.  We used the yellow Jugs baseball that flew off the bat but moved more than a wiffle ball and tougher to pick up spin.

Our garage had two garage doors and in between them was a brick wall (around 4 bricks wide) which was the perfect width for the strike zone and we put tape on the brick for the top and bottom of the zone.

The rules were quite simple.  Over the road was considered a home run.  The right field foul pole was the mailbox and a tree was used for the left field foul pole.  Across the street was a tree line which stuck out a little over the road and was used for "the wall".

You could crush a ball into the trees and sometimes it would spit it out back onto the road and it was counted as an out in home run derby.  But you could also hit a lazy line drive that could fall over the road and underneath the leaves and get a cheap run but it didn't happen as often as the tree line stealing one from you.  If you were pitching and you ran back and caught it in the street it counted as a double play.

I was watching television one day and to my surprise there's an actual competitive wiffle ball league.  It's called Major League Wiffleball.  I was so intrigued I watched the whole hour special.  These guys were throwing some nasty pitches and guys were crushing the ball.  (there's actually wiffle ball stadiums across the country)

Where do I signup?

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