February 26, 2011

Buzzkill: Bad Movies

Is there anything worse than a bad movie?  In the first 20 minutes of the movie you can pretty much tell whether it's going to be good or not.  Is it just me or do you always end up watching the full movie because "it can't be that bad, right"?  And then it has always has that ending where you're questioning why you just wasted 2 hours of your life.  The worst time to watch a bad movie is on the team bus because there's always the guy who brought the movie and loves it and laughs at the "hilarious" parts and even when everyone wants to turn it off he always suggests "it gets better".  To make matters worse the volume is turned up so loud that you can't sleep, you can't talk to the guy next to you, and even noise cancelers can't do the trick.  All I'm asking for is a classic movie that the majority of the team can enjoy and maybe even quote it after.

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