March 23, 2011

Barry Bonds

As soon as people begin to forget about Barry Bonds and the whole BALCO scandal we are quickly reminded by the media he is on trial for perjury and obstruction of justice.  I think there needs to be a separation between the government and sports when it comes to discipline within the league.  I realize the charges have nothing to do with performance-enhancing drugs but he should have never been called to testify.
If you had to take a drug test at work or for school and you tested positive for steroids are you going to have to go to trial?  I understand that steroids are illegal but it is something Major League Baseball should have taken care of and the government did not need to step in.  The only time the government should get involved is when there needs to be a mediator such as labor disagreements with the NFL right now.  If you don't recall baseball was struggling before the 1998 home run race between McGwire and Sosa.  Attendances fell every year from the strike in 1995 until midseason of 1998 when the home race started to heat up.  Steroids may have saved Major League Baseball.
If anyone should be on trial it should be Major League Baseball for turning their heads at the whole situation.  You can't tell me that Bud Selig and the front office didn't know what was going on.  Guys were shooting up in the locker room.  Uniforms didn't fit guys because they were so big.  Barry Bonds was just one player during a whole steroid era.  Put Bud Selig on the stand.


  1. Hmm sounds like a conversation we had last night. Truth. Bonds should be in the HOF
