March 26, 2011

A Glimpse at the Real World: Business Trips

Now don't get me wrong, I love working from home. Minimal commute time from my bed to my desk has resulted in an extra hour of sleep between this job and my old job, and trust me when you do get to the real world and have to work all day, that extra hour is golden. That extra hour means you can stay up an extra hour playing Call of Duty or go to a sporting event and not continuously check the time. In college that doesn't matter, hey stay out late one night, skip that 9am class; but you miss the first couple hours of work enough and you won't have to worry about waking up early for it anymore. But I digress. Although I do enjoy the freedom of working at home, I sometimes long for a little bit of engagement with people other than the conference calls and the once a week hour long in office meetings: in comes Business trips.

If you are fortunate enough to land a gig where travel is included, and you don't even have to think about paying for it, enjoy it. My first job was behind a desk all day, now granted it was in downtown Boston and that was a plus, but to be honest, I saw everyone else getting to travel in their jobs and I wanted a little piece of that. The only traveling I did was to pick up my turkey and cheese on wheat from Subway. No more desk surfing though. Week one new job, travel to New York. Now I know what you're saying, "Artie it's just to New York I can do that anytime I want" And I'd agree with you. However this particular style of trip to New York included a free rental car (2011 Jeep Grand Cherokee) hotel stay, and all the perks that come with it. If you do get a chance to business travel, take full advantage of everything it has to offer. Employee meal limit per day of 59$ but the meals are already included? Hello bar money. Feeling a little dehydrated after that first night out spent doing team bonding? Sure I'll take both of the 5$ Figi Waters.

I have to be clear, I am not saying it's some sort of wild free for all, a business trip means that at some point during the trip you will have to conduct some business but it most definitely is nicer to be away from the norm while getting paid to conduct that business. I for one have trips lined up for New York, DC, Chicago, and just found out I'm going on a business trip to Las Vegas. I'm sorry I couldn't even keep a straight face on that one, business trip and Vegas...yeah I'll be sure to bring lots of attention.

Anyways if you get a job where you can do a little traveling, enjoy it. If you get stuck behind a desk all day...well just don't let that happen.

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