March 10, 2011


If the opportunity to go to Vegas ever comes your way don't even think about it... book your plane ticket immediately.  After seeing the Hangover with some teammates we planned a trip and I think we could have made a pretty good sequel.  The ride from the airport to the hotel seems like the longest ride.  You feel like a kid going to Disney World for the first time-- It's a whole new world.  So I've decided to put together a list of tips which might help if you ever make it out there.

1. Leave Your Credit Card And Debit Card at the Hotel 
Rookie mistake.  Only take enough cash with you for the night.  Bad things happen when you bring the plastic and you don't realize it until the next morning.  At the end of the night you'll have to walk through the casino and the lights look back at you saying "play me".  Chances are you're out of cash and if you have to go up to your room to get your debit card you're not coming back down.

2.  Don't Walk Home
All the hotels are high rises and Vegas is flat.  You might see your hotel in the distance and think, "Hell I can see it from here.  It can't be further than a 10 minute walk", but after an hour and a half of walking you'll realize it's not just a little walk.

3. The Drinks in the Fridge are NOT Complimentary
You get back to your room and your mouth could be confused with the Sahara Desert.  You open up the fridge and think, "How did they know I wanted a water?" and before you know it you've finished five overpriced waters.

4. Three Nights 
Three nights is long enough in Vegas.  Just trust me on this one.

5. Learn to Count Cards
It's the only chance you have

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